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May 31, 2011
I am wondering...is it the instant world wide news that makes it seem as if the worlds catastrophes and crises are mounting or are there actually more drama situations going on that their use to be?? I'm talking natural and man made here or a combination. What do I mean by combination? Japan. The earthquakes were natural but the resulting nuke plant disaster was sort of man made. I mean if man had not built the nuclear power plant then when the earthquakes happened, there would not be the radiation problem. 

  I'm not saying we brought problems or God's wrath upon us. I don't think of God in that respect anyway. I don't believe He is like that.  I'm NOT saying it is the end of the world either. Good gravy Marie! 

I'm thinking way too much and not making a lick of sense. That expression " I'm just sayin'..." is apt in this message.    
...I'm just sayin'.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
   Why do people say things and then when they are confronted about what they said,  they try to pass the buck or misplace the blame? Like, when confronted  they will say  (or write) something to the effect of  "You didn't understand.  That is not what I meant."  Well, if they didn't mean it, then why did they say it?   

Politicians are really good at telling lies, deliberately misleading people  do  actions they should not be involved in, but when they are caught or confronted with their actions or words, then they cop out with;  "I made a mistake."  or " I made a bad call, it was poor judgment."  or "You misunderstood." or "That is not what I meant."   

I'm telling it straight and I'm keeping it real.  I don't go around trying to cause trouble, create drama or tell lies or spread rumors. But, if I do, you can take it to the bank...I meant to.    If I do anything on purpose or not, I've got what it takes to and I will take personal responsibility  for my actions. Good, bad or indifferent. I won't cop out with some lame excuse or lie and you can be sure of that.

When I go out of this world there are a few things that are super important to me,  and one is that I've lived a life of integrity and with character.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is the car that my husband and I went out on dates in.
Well, not the same car, but it is exactly like it, 
color, white walls and all.
Man! Look at all that chrome. It was real back then. 

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