In the school


My son is in kindergarten and we home school. It is an adventure for both of us. If you want to follow us down this road and learn with us as  we go along...then come on, let's go!

Tuesday, May31,2011
I've never floundered so much in my life as I have over: Should we or shouldn't we have year 'round school or take the summer off.  Time, or a lack of, or maybe it was just a pure lack of discipline that made the decision for me.  You see we've taken time off when we should not have and now here we are the first of June and we aren't finished with K5.  There are some things that I think he needs to work on too. Anyway, we are going to have a light week, this week. Next week he has VBS all week and the following Monday it is back to school as usual. 

I promise that next summer won't find us in the school room.  We will not slack next spring. We will work through....   
Friday, March 18, 2011
Spring Break and Year 'Round School
Spring Break!   We are not having a consecutive five days off from school this year for our spring break. Instead we've chosen to divide it up between two weeks. Taking off instead a Thursday through Tuesday break.  That way we actually loose one day less of school. We still have the weekend and so it works out really great! 

Come Wednesday--we'll be refreshed and ready to hit the books!

We are tinkering with the idea of year-round school. This isn't the first time we've entertained this idea. As a matter of fact it has been a struggle to decide which route is the best for us. Having grown up with the summer off from school I tend to like the summer off.  There are so many advantages of that for student and teacher.  There are many advantages for going year around as well.  It is a tough decision.
Friday, February 25, 2011

The room where we have school is not part of our house. The school room it's self is in a separate building. That makes it very nice for us, for when I say to my son, "It's time to go to school."  I mean just that. I am so glad we made the decision to build the school room onto the workshop. Nothing fancy but works great.

There is a transition that takes place in my son on the walk from the house out to the school. Somewhere in that 75 or so feet I quit being his mama and I become his teacher. He looks at me through different eyes. He even forgets sometimes and calls me "teacher" instead of mama when we are at school.

We use Abeka curriculum because the accredited private Christian school our older son graduated from used Abeka curriculum and he received a very good education.  Mind you he is only in kindergarten but I am well pleased with Abeka so far.

I also use themes, when doing art and other projects.  I try to make his learning experience as full and fun as I possibly can without making it into such a task that he is overwhelmed. He's having a good time while learning to read and write and do arithmetic and all of those scholarly things.

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