Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Random Thoughts of Insanity

Today I am going to watch the movie Little Women. Don't know why, but it is a Christmas movie to me and I always kick off my personal Movie Christmas Watching Season with Little Women. Why is it personal? No one else in this house will watch it with me...my husband is NOT into chick flicks. That's what he calls it.

Last week I was sick. Now my sister has the crud. I am trying to talk her into coming and spending a few days with me when she gets to feeling better. She would have fun doing Christmas activities with Kevin (she is Kevin's Grandma.) Yes! my sister is my son's Grandma. Now y'all go figure. I'll explain someday. Maybe.

Today is colder than a well digger (as we say in these parts) Why is it the older I get, the colder I get? I don't really care, I just wanna stay warm. I just sang that to the tune of Cyndi Lauper's 'Girls just wanna have fu-un. I sang it in my mind that is. Better left in the mind! I can't carry a tune.

Kevin only wants Santa to bring one thing for Christmas. He calls it a "Mickey Mouse garage car with upstairs" I haven't found one, whatever it is. He sees it on commercials that run on the kids networks. Any of y'all know where to find them? Target? Sears? Walmart? Toys R Us? Anybody with any clues? Santy Claus where are you? I need your help!!!

I cut out enough holly leaves for Kevin's next craft project to cover the moon this morning or at least my hands feel like I cut out enough holly leaves to cover the moon. Well, maybe not enough to cover the moon. Maybe enough to cover a small town? Don't believe that either? Well, how about enough to cover a room? No? Well how about enough to cover a paper plate to make a Christmas wreath? You buy that? Good.

Last night I got the cutest video of Kevin. He was taking a bath singing "Jingle Bells" and laughing. Now when I figure out how to get the thing downloaded and onto this here blog, I might do that so you can enjoy it too. Cute and funny too.


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