Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The tale of a tired appliance shopper

You would never believe how incredibly busy the big city was today! It was like a Saturday afternoon at all the shopping places and the traffic...jeez Louise! Wild. That's all I can say.

Today we were appliance shopping. No, I will rephrase that. Today we were appliance buying. We have been doing the shopping for a few days now and finally made the decision and bought the appliances today. We brought two home one we will pick up next week. So, that means we will be busy tomorrow hooking up the new appliances.
One of the new appliances in a new dishwasher to replace my broken one. (I had it repaired 4 times last year and the last repair was the last repair.) I've been saving up dirty dishes to try out on the new dishwasher. I've got a couple of loads just waiting. Now, if that new little baby will clean these dishes...I'll know I got a good 'un.

We were out all day long and I'm a bone tired. We also went to Costco...my favorite store in all the world. We walked the whole store. We can't help ourselves, we always have to have something there. I did buy a nice Oster convection/toaster oven there. It wasn't for me although I would love to have one. I bought that for my son. (a bachelor) I didn't get him much of anything at all for Christmas and I overheard him say he really wanted a new toaster oven since his had quit.

I bought a lot of appliances today, spent lots of money, and I'm worn out. I'm tired like I said so I think I'll head on over to the poor house and see if they have a bed for me to get a few winks in.

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