Thursday, May 12, 2011


 Yes, I'm behind. Very very behind and I'm here to catch up on the blog or at least try to.I've not posted in such a long time that I really don't know where to start. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I'll try to catch you up on all that has been going on at Blessing Hill in a few pictures. Try the different tabs as there might be a surprise under each subject!  

Kevin played Basketball on the Spurs League for the first time this year. Here he is getting his award at the end of the year Awards Ceremony. He had a blast playing basket ball this year. His daddy and I did too.   

Sorry about the crocked photo.  Here he is showing off his award. The picture shows the back side of the medal. The front side is really pretty.  He is proud...the rest of the family is too!

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