A month or so ago I started back to work. So, my husband and I are a tag team now when it comes to cooking supper. He cooks on the days I work, I cook on the days he works. His meals are becoming more...um...extravagant? I use that term loosely. The meals I cook have become more simple. Here is a supper I cooked the other night. Take a look and watch out for the special surprise dessert..uh or is that desert no, it's dessert! I think.
What's this you ask.
It is the raw ingredients for a simple supper
that I cooked the other night.
Here it is all cooked up!
Baked French onion pork chops
Mashed Potatoes
Field peas - fresh from the can
Glazed carrots
Iced tea
The special surprise!
Chocolate Cake for desert..I mean dessert
Baked by none other than...
Thanks Babe, you're a keeper! 