Sunday, November 16, 2008


A month or so ago I started back to work. So, my husband and I are a tag team now when it comes to cooking supper. He cooks on the days I work, I cook on the days he works. His meals are becoming I use that term loosely. The meals I cook have become more simple. Here is a supper I cooked the other night. Take a look and watch out for the special surprise dessert..uh or is that desert no, it's dessert! I think.
What's this you ask.
It is the raw ingredients for a simple supper
that I cooked the other night.
Here it is all cooked up!
Baked French onion pork chops
Mashed Potatoes
Field peas - fresh from the can
Glazed carrots
Iced tea

The special surprise!
Chocolate Cake for desert..I mean dessert
Baked by none other than...
Thanks Babe, you're a keeper!



It was love at first sight. Kevin kisses Happy and as you can see, Happy kisses Kevin! Kids and dogs. Aren't they sweet? My son Kevin just got his first dog last week. She is a tiny toy Chiuahua. Kevin took one look at her and said her name was "Happy".

Kevin is happy too!

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