Have you ever been hit right square dab in the middle of the face with something? If you have then you know how I feel. That is what has happened to me this week. It hit me right smack in the middle of the eyes...Thanksgiving is next week! Christmas is around the corner!
This is my niece and nephew Christmas, 1968

Cutie pies, huh?
I guess I can scrap some of the projects that I actually wanted to do this year. Just no time! Well, there is time, but not enough for me to get anything started and finished before the big day.
You see, I took a job outside the home in September. This is the first time since I retired six years ago that I worked outside the home office. That throws a monkey wrench into any leisure time. (I do most of my blog work in the wee hours.) Leaving me no time to do those homemade Christmas gifts. 

Here's my baby, another cutie pie, decorating the tree, a couple of years ago. My how time flies! He is already 3!
Thanksgiving is next week!!! Christmas is around the corner. No time for homemade gifts, no time for long nights of pouring into craft projects that normally take me two or three months! I sure hope I find some time to go buy gifts! Yes, I've been hit smack dab in between the eyes with the realization that Christmas is nearly here. As Santa himself said (in the story 'The Year Santa Forgot He Was He') "My whiskers! It's almost December!!"