Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I need a new cameraI want a new camera.

How about...
This one? 

This one?
Or maybe just maybe

This one???
Shoot, I'm getting desperate here!
I'll even take...

This one

On second thought
Maybe I won't!

I still need a new camera. ...sigh


Happy St. Patrick's Day

I won't be here tomorrow to wish you a happy St. Patty day, so thought I'd do that today!

I will have to admit I am not Irish. I am not Catholic and to be honest with you, I'm not totally sure what the day is all about. The main thing I can tell you is that when I was a kid; you'd better wear green or you would get pinched! Ouch, I didn't want that so I always tried to remember to wear green to school!!!!

I know that I said I would post on the blog more, and compared to the way I was posting...I am. Actually I've had camera issues so I haven't been able to load my pictures into the computer lately.  I'm still not sure if anyone is reading this blog so I don't know that it really matters anyway...

I just wanted to say in my best Irish brogue,  Top 'o the day to ya,  Mister and Mrs. Shannon and to all yer wee ones too!  Off to  Tara we go, Scarlet!  Don't ask me what that means.  I just felt like saying it.

Maureen O'Hara I'm not. 

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