Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Two Short Weeks

In two short weeks the fat old man in a red suit will be sliding down my chimney. Maybe. If I don't get on the ball soon and start Christmas shopping there may be nothing 'neath our tree! Our ribbons might be as empty as the cute puppy in this picture.

We don't have our Christmas tree up yet. We are buying a real tree this year. I want a Noble Fir. We have not had a real tree in about 5 or 6 years now. It's time. Oh the smell! That is the best part of a real Chrirstmas tree...the smell. Now...if we can only get the tree up before that little old fat man in the red suit slides down the chimney.

A Day of Play

I'm going to go play now.

May I come play too?
Here I go.
Up, Up, Up.

Oh, Oh. I made it to the top!

Oh! This is fun! Whewwwwww.
Here I come!
(Notice shoes on wrong feet. )

Please, I wanna play with you! Can I slide too?
Please, Please Please! Oh, just gimme some lovin'

Okay Happy, but just wait one dog gone second, will ya?
I need to give Miss Kitty some lovin' too.

Oh, I give up.
Nobody loves me. Nobody will play with me.
Hey! Hey there Tigger! You wanna play?

Well, time to go! See you later. Mama said I
to put my shoes on the right feet and
come inside and get some shorts on.
She's tired of looking at my underwear.
Come on over an' play.
Happy and I are waiting for you. Miss Kitty too!

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