Wednesday, January 7, 2009


At the end I am going to ask for your help. This is very important and I hope everyone that reads this will give me a little help here.

Since it was such a pretty day yesterday after I picked my baby up from preschool we didn't even go in the house. Instead we just spent a couple of hours in the back yard playing. First he drove around in his battery charged blue Ford F-150 pickup, while I sat at the picnic table reading a newsletter.
What is this look all about! I'm not going to steal
that orange you're eating on little boy!
Then my baby climbed on top of his little picnic
and said "I'm king of the mountain!"
While I sat and the picnic table thinking solemn
thoughts and taking pictures.
After all that the little "cowboy" walked right up
to the picnic table, smiled and said
"Let's play pleeeeeeze?"
While I sat there and smiled back and took
pictures and thought about vocabulary.

Yes, you heard me right. I said vocabulary. Now what does that have to do with an afternoon of playing outside after school? Nothing. But that is what I was thinking about. Vocabulary. I was thinking about that grinning little tyke up there and his vocabulary. Let me explain. He is only 3 and I think has a very good vocabulary. While his vocabulary might be quite large, I think it would be aventageous to and for him if he were to enlarge, grow, expand his vocabulary. So, I've thought what every-day, common words can I substitute, exchange or switch with synonyms that would help to make his vocabulary bigger uh, maybe I should say larger? (although he already uses large and small in place of big and little quite often).
Okay, so here is where your help comes in. I need for you to give me suggestions. No, let me rephrase that. I need for you to tell me what kind of words I could use and teach that would broaden an active all-boy three year olds vocabulary?
I have found myself saying things to him like this today: That is fabulous! (where I usually say great) And That was so gracious of you. (Instead of kind) I've sure been getting some wierd looks today too.
So all of you way out there help! Pulllleeeeeeze!

A Cool Kid

Meet our grandson.... This is him.

I've told you what a neat kid our youngest son is but I've never told you about our most wonderful Grandson? This picture was taken about a year and half ago when our grandson was ten. He is the coolest kid, cooler than Fonzie even! He is a straight A, honor roll student, very bright. Need I mention he is cute? He is cute, bright and cool and he knows it. You can tell, can't you?

Okay, enough of the bragging grandma stuff. Now, when you see a really cool kid walking down the'll know it's my grandson. Just say eyyyyy.

Yea Horns! They whopped the dog fire out of OSU Monday night. Hope I didn't offend anyone out there.

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