I've really had problems lately with computers. If it isn't one thing it is another. Anyway, here I am on a different computer than usual and it has issues too, so I'm just happy to be here. Although, I can't post any photos and I've taken some cute ones lately. Oh well...
We have bought our tree, got it up in the stand and now we are just letting it fluff. Tomorrow night we will decorate it. Kevin got a little (live) tree for his room. It is on his dresser, decorated and soooo cute. We are going to plant it somewhere in the yard and then pray that it lives!
I live way down in South Texas. I mean if I left in the morning and headed south I could have dinner (lunch) in Mexico. I said that so you will understand why it is so cold to me today. Our high was only 38 and it is getting down into the 20's tonight. It is super cold. Thank God it is a dry cold!
Okay, so now you know why I've not been around much, that I'm still behind schedule and it is cold where I live. 'Nuff said. Besides I know no more to say. It is too cold to stay out here in this cold room. I'm going into the living room where there is warmth!