Since I live quite a way from town today is my last day to go pick up those last minute items I need to prepare the Thanksgiving Feast. I don't need to pick up much, but what I do need to pick up at the store are very important items! I just hope I don't forget anything. Have I mentioned just how forgetful I am? Now what was I talking about? ....oh yeah, the Thanksgiving Feast.
Our daughter and her family aren't going to be here to enjoy our feast with us. They have decided for the first time to have Thanksgiving at home with just their family. That will be nice. They have hosted Thanksgiving at their house many a year. They have just never had it alone. And you know, it is good for a family unit to sometimes just spend that time with themselves. They are coming by later in the afternoon for a visit. I'm looking forward to that.
You won't get upset if I tell you a secret, will ya? Promise? Okay...then I'll tell you a secret. We are not having Turkey at our house for the feast this year. We are having ham instead. Shoot, we aren't even having pumpkin pie! We're having apple and pecan only. I hope you're not upset and I guess it isn't a secret anymore.
