Friday, June 17, 2011

Once Upon A Time

It rained in this part of the world.  Rained so much it left trailing little streams.

  The rain drops were beautiful. They brought nourishment and life.

The rain poured off the roofs to the thirsty ground.  And it was good.

The rain clouds brought cool relief to the dehydrated the land.

Oh Texas! Where are thy bountiful southern rains? 
Our throats are parched, thirsty and swollen.
Our land is cracked and dry.
Reckon a rain dance might help?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Whole Lotta....Goin' On

There has been so much going on here lately at Blessing Hill that I just don't know where to start. 
Mostly summer time events.  Here are a few of the things we've been up to:
Kevin's dad (and Kevin...he helped) built Kevin a really cool tree house out in the back yard. The tree house is in a grove of cedar trees so Kevin said he was going to name it Cedar Grove and asked if I would make him a sign. He dictated what he wanted on the sign.  He said of course that his dad and I could go up, when he gave us permission. Ha!

 Way up high in the tree house
Now there is a pole to slide down in front of where Kevin was standing that day.
Oh, just for clarification... the ladder is safely secured. It won't move. 
We've already been to visit some relatives. Aren't they sweet?
With their Great Grandma and Grandpa. Double sweet.
 ...And summer just ain't summer with out going swimming.
Fun in the sun!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Marigolds and Carnivals

June 2, 2011

See the pretty  Marigolds on the right? Those right there? >>>>>
The picture is side ways, but you get the idea? Well, they ain't so pretty anymore. The picture you see was taken before the disaster happened. Some of them (Marigolds) are barely hanging on. Survival is hard when it is 100 degrees and you don't have anything to drink. I'm not saying who forgot to give them a drink. I'm not saying that  it wasn't me. (Although I was out of town when it happened)  I'm just sayin'... 

Yesterday was a fun day. I forgot my camera, again, or I'd be posting photos of the day. We spent the morning at a kid carnival. It was a lot of fun and everything being free, well, you can't beat the cost. There was all sorts of crafts, make-your-own slap bracelets, masks, pinwheels, there was face painting, balloons of all sorts.  Ask for it and the balloon makers would make it. Some kids asked for dogs, flower bracelets, monkeys, etc. Kevin asked for a sword so he could go bust bubbles that the bubble maker machine was producing. It was fun. And of course no fun kid day is complete without a trip to McDonald's. 

Pictures (of something) coming soon...I promise.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This past Friday night one of my great nephews graduated from high school. The high school that he went to is a small school in a small town with about 30 seniors that graduated this year. 

I was very impressed with the academic achievements of the students as well as their athletic achievements and abilities. One student received a large rodeo scholarship. There were several full scholarships to a couple of universities. And then there were baseball and volleyball scholarships in the athletic department. While football is king in the south, I don't recall any football scholarships.  Those 30 students racked up a cool half million dollars in  scholarships!!!

Another thing that impressed me was the great sense of community pride and support there was in that graduating class and town as a whole. (I live in another community).  I listened to how so many community organizations and churches had supported the school and the students. I heard the accounts of how the students had worked together and played together throughout their 13 years of school together. I listened as one couple expressed their gratitude to the students and teachers as they handed out scholarships in the name of their son, who was a senior this year and graduating posthumously as he died a few months ago. The gym where the ceremonies took place was packed to the ceiling with parents, family and friends. 

The most important thing I was impressed with was our nephew.  I was so very proud of him. I know of some of the struggles and hardships he has had during his high school years. While he didn't graduate cum lade,  so far as his family and friends that love him are concerned, he graduated with the highest honor of all.

Congratulations Alex!!!!   The best is yet to come....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Still Behind

The faster I run the behinder I get or something like that.  You see the other day when I decided to spend some time and work on each page of this blog and post a bunch of pictures to tell the tales, what happens. Blogger goes down. I had just finished downloading a bunch of pictures, doing a lot of prose and then hit the post page button and, and, and I get this message saying something like; We are sorry for the inconvenience, but...   Inconvenience?!!!   I felt like punching something! After all the time I put in all was lost. I don't have time to waste like that! It was more than a non nonchalant inconvenience, it was a disaster!

Well enough negativity. I'm still behind and I've decided it doesn't matter. This blog isn't a journal.  Yes, I know that a blog is suppose to be an online journal, but I don't consider this my journal. This blog isn't an account of my life or is it? Anyway, I don't consider this blog my journal. . This blog is a...  this blog is a...  it's a blog or a blur or maybe it is a journal. I don't even know anymore!.  And now I'm wondering why am I writing this, this, blog???  Well, I know why I started it, but for all I know I am just sitting here wasting my time writing of all things on earth ...a blog!!!!!!!!!!

More to come, I suppose.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


 Yes, I'm behind. Very very behind and I'm here to catch up on the blog or at least try to.I've not posted in such a long time that I really don't know where to start. They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I'll try to catch you up on all that has been going on at Blessing Hill in a few pictures. Try the different tabs as there might be a surprise under each subject!  

Kevin played Basketball on the Spurs League for the first time this year. Here he is getting his award at the end of the year Awards Ceremony. He had a blast playing basket ball this year. His daddy and I did too.   

Sorry about the crocked photo.  Here he is showing off his award. The picture shows the back side of the medal. The front side is really pretty.  He is proud...the rest of the family is too!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


It has been over a month since I've posted! I will have to do something about!
 For now though, I have to get crackin' at doing the other things in life that I have to do...right now!
While you're waiting for the new post (later today) here is a preview of some of the things I'll be blogging about in the different tabs...


Saturday, April 9, 2011


I know I've been neglecting the blog lately, but I've got a really good excuse. I'm lazy...uh, I mean I'm busy. Well, truth is I'm a little of both. How's  that?  Well...

Spring has sprung and I've been busy with yard things. Things like chickens, re-potting plants, potting plants, planting plants and planting seed, weeding, watering, fertilizing, etc.. We've moved the fence, moved flower beds, swing sets, and all sort of outside living furniture and pleasantries. You name it, if it is something that needs to be done in the yard... I (and my husband and son) have been doing it. 

Then on top of all the outside work I've been doing inside house work. You know the usual. Clean, cook, laundry, mend, tend, whatever...

When I'm not doing that I'm being lazy trying to recoup enough to go do more work.  I'm not really being lazy, I  guess it's more like I'm resting.

Just writing all that makes me tired...I've got to go lay down now.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

It's Spring!

March has come and gone.  Spring is here!  I am so excited about that! I love the spring time. I really love watching the birds, but I enjoy listening to them just as much as I do seeing them. The new birth and new growth. It is such a wonderful time to be outside and witness all of God's glory. 

I enjoy the warmth that comes with Spring too. I am not a cold weather person.  When it gets warm, I am outside. (That is one reason I have neglected this blog the past month)   I'm going back outside now--where it is warm and lovely...hope it is where ever you are too.


Monday, March 21, 2011

From a Child's Eyes

As you probably know by now I've had a little bit of technical difficulties when it comes to my camera.  The camera I use a a P&S that I received for Christmas way back in 2003. It is a good camera and I've thoroughly enjoyed it these past 7 plus years. I am just at the place that I would like a better camera. True I know nothing about photography, but I can learn.

In the meantime...

Just this morning I discovered that my son had been taking pictures with my camera! I thought I'd share some shots that he took. These are through the eyes of a five year old. They truly look at the world differently.

The Photographer Himself 
Isn't he cute. I love that bubble gum smile!

A closer look at the photographer.

The floor looks the same.

A new perspective of the china cabinet.     
                                             I don't think I've ever saw the underside   
                                                           of the shelves, until now.

                                                 The floor again...still looks the same  

                                       Not sure what this is, but I like the earth tones.

Friday, March 18, 2011

While the Cat's Away the Mice Will Play

Well, it won't exactly be play but the mice (mom) will be busy cleaning out the cat's (son's) room while he is away.  

Our son is gone to town visiting cousins for the next few days. While he is off having spring break fun his dad and I are going to take advantage of the time and spring clean his room!!! Something that is badly needed!  This kid never wants to get rid of one single thing. I mean when we are cleaning out his  room, if there is a wadded up piece of  paper  that he's thrown on the floor (and he seems to think that the floor is a  trash  can even though he is constantly being reminded where the trash can  is.) that wadded up piece of paper suddenly becomes a treasure when you start to pitch it.  

My older kids were the  same way, they never wanted to  get rid of a toy, even though it might be broken and had not been played with  in 3 years. The difference were they left home to go to school.  While they were gone to school- the  room would be cleaned out! They never missed the  old stuff. Enjoyed the newer stuff better and especially the cleaner, uncluttered room. 

My goal for the next few days---Unclutter and reorganize! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I need a new cameraI want a new camera.

How about...
This one? 

This one?
Or maybe just maybe

This one???
Shoot, I'm getting desperate here!
I'll even take...

This one

On second thought
Maybe I won't!

I still need a new camera. ...sigh


Happy St. Patrick's Day

I won't be here tomorrow to wish you a happy St. Patty day, so thought I'd do that today!

I will have to admit I am not Irish. I am not Catholic and to be honest with you, I'm not totally sure what the day is all about. The main thing I can tell you is that when I was a kid; you'd better wear green or you would get pinched! Ouch, I didn't want that so I always tried to remember to wear green to school!!!!

I know that I said I would post on the blog more, and compared to the way I was posting...I am. Actually I've had camera issues so I haven't been able to load my pictures into the computer lately.  I'm still not sure if anyone is reading this blog so I don't know that it really matters anyway...

I just wanted to say in my best Irish brogue,  Top 'o the day to ya,  Mister and Mrs. Shannon and to all yer wee ones too!  Off to  Tara we go, Scarlet!  Don't ask me what that means.  I just felt like saying it.

Maureen O'Hara I'm not. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

While I'm trying to think up something to blog about why don't  y'all just mosey on over and see what's  "In the Kitchen"  The tab is right up there. See it

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday- a day of rest or work?

Sunday is suppose to be a day of rest, right? Then tell me why it is that I've worked so hard today. 

I don't know why it is but I tend to create more work for myself while I'm working.  I  tend to get side tracked sometimes.  Like I'm working along getting the job done, when suddenly I see something else that needs to be done so, I do it. Then I've got the original job to finish.   Any of y'all like me in that respect?  I hope not!  

So tell me is Sunday a day of rest or work as usual for you?


Friday, February 25, 2011

February Birthdays!

We had a birthday party this past weekend. It was for all those in our family that had a birthday in February.  A couple of the birthday boys and girls couldn't make it. For those that did we had a great time. The weather was great so we spent the afternoon outside and had a big fish fry. We had fresh Black Bass and all the trimmings.  Good food, good times.

This is the birthday bunch. My sister, my brother and my little niece. Happy birthday again, y'all!

 My son with his maw maw. No it wasn't her birthday. Somehow she didn't open her gift at the Christmas party and left it at our house. Now we went to her house and spent a week in January, but we forgot the gift! Here it is after Valentines and she is just now opening her Christmas gift from one of her grandsons.  Better late than never right?

This is the birthday cake. Notice there is no inscription on the cake?  There really is a reason for that.  You see my sister is a beautiful cake decorator. As a matter of fact she made this cake. Oh she is a better baker than she is a decorator. This was the most wonderful cake. I mean it was the tops!  Anyway, since she made her own cake she said she was going to put "Happy Birthday to Us" on it...but decided to just leave it blank.   Y'all want to order a cake? This cake was huge. The photo doesn't do it justice.

As a side note, remember I said I was not a professional photographer in my last post? This post of fuzzy pictures ought to prove that point!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Two years and one month later....

I haven't blogged in two years and one month to the day.  I quit because I just didn't think there were people that would read the blog. After some encouragement from friends I decided to take it up again.  This time I added tabs toward the top of the page. I've already added a little bit of explanation about each tab. I promise that I will do my best to make Blessing Hill alive and not be Boot Hill.

Reader beware! I am not a professional writer, I am not a professional photographer nor do I profess to even be good at either one. I do enjoy sharing things I know.  I know the best teacher is a good student, so if I teach you anything at it is because I am probably learning along with you.

I hope you will come back often and if you enjoy reading my blog, please let me know. Drop me an email (  as I need the feedback in order to carry on.
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